It’s time to vote for the 2019 Public PiMP award. Here is a link to the finalists.
Please pick your three favourites (in order) and vote using the link on the left bottom of the page. Voting will close on Monday, 28 Oct 2018 at 4 pm, Perth time.
It’s time to vote for the 2019 Public PiMP award. Here is a link to the finalists.
Please pick your three favourites (in order) and vote using the link on the left bottom of the page. Voting will close on Monday, 28 Oct 2018 at 4 pm, Perth time.
Judging for PiMP 2019 has finished. We are grateful to our judges:
Taylor Page, Houston, USA,
Medical Physicist
Leslie Duffin, Caves Beach, Australia
Gallery Owner
Kimberly Sayre, San Francisco, USA
Professional Photographer
Stephen Kry, Houston, USA,
Medical Physicist
Mercury Megaloudis, Melbourne, Australia
Australian Photographer of the Year
Marcel van Herk, Manchester, UK
Medical Physicist
A big thank you for their time and effort!
As you may have guessed, we are planning to have another competition this year. Since the format has worked well in 2018, we will not change much for PiMP 2019, except for the submission process, which is described below. We will again have two categories this year:
T – Technical / Technology. This category is for images that display the beauty of technical aspects of our field, as well as for those using photographic techniques such as long exposures.
P – Professionals at work. This category is for sharing people focused and other (fun) parts of the job.
Images will be judged by a jury of professionals from Medical Physics and Photography. The criteria are visual impact, storytelling aspects, and technical quality. The top three images in each category will be honoured with the winners receiving the highly coveted “PIMP awards”. We will also be hosting the public’s choice prize, the “Public PIMP award”, as voted on by members and staff of the ACPSEM.
The images will be shown at the Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference, EPSM 2019 in Perth. Selected images will be published on the ACPSEM website, its newsletter, on the PiMP website, related social media and in other publications. In the last two years selected images were auctioned off, with all proceeds donated to the Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (APSIG) benefiting the advancement of medical physics and engineering, especially in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. We plan to also have an auction benefiting the foundation again this year. If you prefer not to have your image in the auction, please indicate this at submission. This will not impact your chances of winning.
The competition is organized by Joerg Lehmann and Alannah Kejda as a social activity of the NSW/ACT branch of the ACPSEM. It is kindly supported by sponsorship from the Gamma Gurus.
Have fun and take some great images showcasing Medical Physics. As always, the goal is to celebrate our exciting profession and to show off visually stimulating aspects of the work of a Medical Physicist.
We look forward to your submissions!
Joerg and Alannah
The results of the 2018 Photography in Medical Physics (PiMP) competition have been announced at the “Gamma Gurus Gala Dinner” of the Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference, EPSM 2018 at the Adelaide Oval last week.
A selection of 30 images have been printed in high gloss on metal. They are on display in the City Suite Foyer of the Adelaide Convention Centre until 28 November 2018. The prints were part of a silent auction at the gala dinner for the benefit of the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation.
PiMP awards were given in the two categories “Technical / Technology” and “Professionals at work”, as judged by our panel of professionals. Additionally the winner of the “Public PiMP” award was chosen by members and staff of the ACPSEM.
1st place – Duncan Butler “In Lucy’s Head”
2nd place – Gray Lu “State of the Art Phantom”
2nd place – Talia Jarema “Into the Tunnel”
2nd place – Duncan Butler “X-ray tube at 100”
1st place – Daniel Truant “Patiently waiting on a linac”
2nd place – Rik Nezich “Doomsday Preppers”
2nd place – Amy Walker “Self Reflections”
1st place and Public PiMP Award – Rik Nezich “Doomsday Preppers”
2nd place – Daniel Truant “Patiently waiting on a linac”
3rd place – Duncan Butler “X-Ray tube at 100”
Congratulations to all winners! Thank you to all participants for entering amazing images this year! We could not do this without you. Thanks to our judges, and thanks to all the members and staff who participated in the online vote!
Thank you to Eva Bezak, convener of EPSM 2018, to the ACPSEM leadership and to Susie Zhong for their support of PiMP 2018!
We would also like to thank Hans and Jason of the Gamma Gurus for their continuing support of our competitions!
Joerg Lehmann (PiMP Master) and Alannah Kejda (PiMP Mistress)
It’s time for this year’s public vote. Here is a link to the finalists.
Please look over all images (there are 2 pages), pick your three favourites (in order) and vote using the link on the left bottom of the page. Voting will close on Monday, Oct 2018 at 4 pm, Adelaide time.
We look forward to your votes!
Judging for PiMP 2018 has finished. We are grateful to our judges:
Stephen Kry, Houston, USA,
Medical Physicist
Marcel van Herk, Manchester, UK
Medical Physicist
Leslie Duffin, Caves Beach, Australia
Gallery Owner
Mercury Megaloudis, Melbourne, Australia
Australian Photographer of the Year
Kimberly Sayre, San Francisco, USA
Professional Photographer
A big thank you for their time and effort!
PiMP is going on its fifth year! Let’s make it better than ever! As always, the goal is to celebrate our exciting profession and to show off visually stimulating aspects of the work of a Medical Physicist.
T – Technical / Technology. This category is for images that display beauty in the technical aspects of our field, as well as for those using photographic techniques such as long exposures.
P – Professionals at work. This category is for sharing people focused other, (fun) parts of the job, think of the 2016 People’s choice award winner ‘LinacBoat’.
Images will be judged by a jury of professionals from Medical Physics and Photography. The criteria are visual impact, storytelling aspects, and technical quality. The top three images in each category will be honoured with the winners receiving the highly coveted “PIMP awards”. We will also again have the public’s choice prize, the “Public PIMP award”, as voted on by members and staff of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM).
The images will be shown at the Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference, EPSM 2018 in Adelaide. Selected images will be published on the ACPSEM website, its newsletter, on this website, related social media ( and other publications. Last year selected images were auctioned off, with all proceeds donated to the Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (APSIG) benefiting the advancement of medical physics and engineering, especially in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. We plan to also have an auction benefiting the foundation again this year. If you prefer not to have your image in the auction, please indicate this at submission. This will not impact your chances of winning.
– Deadline for submissions is 31 July 2018 17:00 AEST
– Images must be photographs; this includes those taken with camera phones.
– For all images, small image corrections and modifications in image editing software are allowed, but the impact of the image needs to arise from the initial capture and not from a post processing effect.
– Image submission is digital via email to: with subject line: “Image submission”. Attach all images to one email. You will receive a confirmation email within 3 business days.
– Image size: largest dimension: 2000 pixels, colour space: sRGB
– The submitted image file name should contain the name of the photographer, the category (P or T) and the name of the image separated by spaces, e.g.: “PeterCanon T LinacMania.jpg”
– Submission is open to any practicing or aspiring Medical Physicist
– Each person may submit up to five images in total and specify a category for each image in the file name as described above (otherwise we will assign one).
– Copyright for all submitted images remains with you, the photographer. By submitting an image you grant the organisers and ACPSEM a non-exclusive license to publicly show your image(s) (printed or in electronic form) to promote ACPSEM and this and future competitions. Image credit will be given. Unless informing us of the contrary when submitting your image, you also agree for your images to be included in an auction benefiting APSIG.
– By submitting an image you affirm that any people shown in the image have agreed to be there and are ok with the image being shown publicly and possibly being printed/sold. You further affirm that your image does not violate any copyright laws.
– Equipment can and likely will be visible in many images. We ask that all vendor identifiable equipment is treated with respect (we love our vendors!). We also ask that the display of vendor names and logos in the images is kept to a minimum.
– The organisers reserve the right to exclude any submission that they deem non-suitable
The competition is organized by Joerg Lehmann and Alannah Kejda as a social activity of the NSW/ACT branch of the ACPSEM. It is kindly supported by sponsorship from the Gamma Gurus.
We very much look forward to your entries!
Joerg and Alannah
The results of the 2017 Photography in Medical Physics (PiMP) competition have been announced at the “Gamma Gurus Gala Dinner” of the Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference, EPSM 2017 at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Hobart earlier this week. The dinner also featured a display of selected images from the competition printed in high gloss on metal, which were auctioned off for the benefit of charitable work.
There were awards for the professional judging and for the public vote, the “Public PiMP” award chosen by members and staff of ACPSEM.
1st place – Claire Pagulayan “Luring your supervisor into having a TEAP meeting”
2nd place – Claire Pagulayan “Broken Mirror”
3rd place – Alicia Moggre and Andy Cousins “The Dangers Of Lisping”
Honourable Mention – Amy Walker “Retired Flight Tube”
Honourable Mention – Frank Gagliardi “Medical Physicist’s Jelly Shots“
Honourable Mention – Jarrad Begg – “Top Down Target”
1st place and Public PiMP Award – Claire Pagulayan “Broken Mirror”
2nd place – Claire Pagulayan “Luring your supervisor into having a TEAP meeting”
3rd place – Jarrad Begg “Aligned On The Future”
Honourable Mention – Giles Wynn-Williams “Medical Physicist Commitment 1978”
Honourable Mention – Nikki Shelton “New frontiers”
Congratulations to all winners! Thanks to all participants for entering, thanks to our judges, and thanks to all the members and staff who participated in the online vote!
Thank you also to the ACPSEM leadership and HQ staff (current and past), in particular Susie Zhong, Geoff Barbaro and Hannah Pia Baral, as well as to Leah Biffin, the EPSM 2017 social co-ordinator! You all were essential to the success of PiMP 2017.
We would also like to thank Hans and Jason of the Gamma Gurus for again supporting PiMP this year!
Joerg Lehmann (PiMP Master) and Alannah Kejda (PiMP Mistresses)
And once again it is time for the public vote. Here is a link to the 2017 finalist images. The title of each image is displayed underneath the image in the larger view (click on the thumbnail image to see it).
Check out the images on both index pages, pick your three favorites and then look for the link to vote in the lower left of the screen.